Householder Planning Application
This appliction form is used when the proposed work is to develop or extend a single existing residential property including works within the cutilage of the property. This would include extensions, conversions, loft conversions, dormer windows, swimming pools, car ports, walls, driveways, fences, porches, satelite dishes.
Listed Building Consent
Some buildings may be of historic or architectural interest and are graded as either grade 1 or grade 2 listed building. If you own a building such as this and you wish to extend, convert or demolish part of it you will need to complete this application form as well as the householder planning application. The material fabric of the buiding or elements within the property itself may be listed. Our expertise in completing planning applications and supplying the correct detail and information will ensure the smooth completion of the planning process.
Conservation Area Consent
If you live in a conservation area you may need conservation area consent to demolish a garage or part of your home in order to build your extension. There are some exemptions and you may also need to provide a Design and Access Statement.
Outline Planning Consent
With this application you are asking the approval from the council for the scale and use of a proposal without all of the detail. When you receive outline planning consent you will need to apply for approval of reserved matters before building works can begin.
Certificate of Lawful Development
In newer homes Article 4, Permited Development are often taken away as part of the Section 106 Agreements. This means that all extensions to your property will need to be submitted to the local authority for approval. When the PD is not removed your property can be extended in many ways without gaining the approval of the local authority under certain criteria, rules and regulations.
Design & Access Statement
This is a comprehensive written document or statement which accompanies the planning application. It will thoroughly describe the design components of the planning proposals with the following sub headings under design: amount, layout, scale, landscape, appearance, context and a final main heading for access and how this has been explored, considered and any consultations provided regarding this element.
Biodiversity Schedule
This is a simple questionnaire used to determin if protected spicies and habitats are near to the proposed development. Bats and Great crested Newts are amoung these and therefore where waterways are nearby or roofs are to be disturbed or opened up the council may request a survey to be carried out. Both these animals hibanate for the winter so any building work would most likely be delayed until after the spring and begun no later that end of September.